The mooseberries will be awarded randomly
Come on folks, here you can reward yourselves with a bucket of mooseberries for your homepage.
The rules are simple:
1. not offensive
2. good graphics
The mooseberries will be bestowed on the winners via e-mail.
To receive your bucket of mooseberries, simply send an
 Mooseberry Recipients: The first couple of winners hail from the UK! Ray Chapman's Comedy Zone
 & some more 'limeys': Chris & Alison's Web

The Chilihouse/Eastleigh Cricket Club
 Moosegreetings to my great northern cousin:
Tom, the Alaskan Moose
 mooseberries were sent to Russia to a devoted Celine Dion Fan: Celine Dion's Russia Fan Site

Lu in Germany also received mooseberries for all her pretty pictures: Lu's gif collection
 Mooseberries have been sent to my motherland and Boerk at the Baltic Sea in Germany:
 Boerk's Küstenhomepage
 The Nest Box
 to my Bolivian Friend Alvaro, the physician, musician & poet Alvaro's Poetry |